Papers of Craig McGregor, 1961-2005 [manuscript]
- Bib ID:
- 1655908
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Author:
- McGregor, Craig, 1933-
- Related Online Resources:
- Finding aid at National Library of Australia
- Access Conditions:
- Permission required for research during the lifetime of Craig McGregor. Not for loan.
- Description:
- [1961-2005]
- 9.60 m. (57 boxes) + 2 cartons + 1 fol. box.
- Summary:
MS 7949 comprises manuscripts of books, short stories and articles; correspondence; notebooks; research material; tapes and transcripts of interviews with notable Australians; newspaper cuttings; film scripts; publications; cartoons; and photographs. The collection relates to most of Craig McGregor's publications, his journalism for The national times, The sun-herald, The New York times and other newspapers, and such organisations as the Sydney College of the Arts and the Australia Council. Correspondents include Geoffrey Blainey, A.D. Hope, Hal Porter, Bruce Dawe and Richard Walsh (56 boxes, 1 fol. box).
The Acc05.164 instalment comprises material relating to McGregor's book Australian son: inside Mark Latham (2004), including research files, correspondence, drafts on computer disks, notes, clippings and articles (1 box, 2 cartons).
- Biography/History:
Writer, journalist and academic. Craig McGregor was born in Jamberoo, New South Wales in 1933. He worked as a journalist for The Sydney morning herald in the 1950s before taking up freelance writing. McGregor has published books on popular culture and Australian society as well as fiction, biographies and travel writing. His publications include Profile of Australia (1966), Don't talk to me about love (1971), The Australian people (1980), Headliners: Craig McGregor's social portraits (1990), Class in Australia (2nd ed., 2001) and other works. McGregor was also a lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney.
- Notes:
- Manuscript reference no.: MS 7949, MS Acc05.164.
- Related Material:
- Portrait of Craig McGregor, writer and cultural historian; Located at; National Library of Australia Pictures collection PIC P1934 LOC Q91.
- Craig McGregor interviewed by Hazel de Berg for the Hazel de Berg collection; Located at; National Library of Australia Oral History collection ORAL TRC 1/498-499.
- Craig McGregor interviewed by Alex Hood and Annette Hood in the Alex Hood folklore collection; Located at; National Library of Australia Oral History collection ORAL TRC 6170/9.
- Papers; Located at; Fisher Library, University of Sydney.
- Cited In:
- Guide to collections of manuscripts relating to Australia, E749.
- Reproduction:
- In part, photocopies. [S.l.]
- Subject:
- McGregor, Craig, 1933- -- Archives
- McGregor, Craig, 1933- -- Correspondence
- Blainey, Geoffrey, 1930- -- Correspondence
- Dawe, Bruce, 1930- -- Correspondence
- Hope, A. D. (Alec Derwent), 1907-2000 -- Correspondence
- Porter, Hal, 1911-1984 -- Correspondence
- Walsh, Richard, 1941- -- Correspondence
- University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Visual Communication -- Employees -- Archives
- Journalists -- Australia -- Archives
- Authors, Australian -- 20th century -- Archives
- Historians -- Australia -- Archives
- College teachers -- Australia -- Archives
- Australian literature -- 20th century
- Australia -- Intellectual life
- Australia -- Biography
- Time Coverage:
- 1961-2005
- Occupation:
- Exhibited:
- Exhibited: "Inked: Australian Cartoons", National Library of Australia, March - August 2019.
- Copyright:
Copyright Undetermined
If you wish to copy or order copies, contact us. For access conditions return to the record display above.
- Reason for copyright status:
- A Manuscript Collection may have a range of formats and dates.
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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