Hexapla in Leviticum that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the third booke of Moses, called Leviticus [electronic resource] : VVherein sixe severall things are observed vpon every chapter. 1. The argument, parts, and contents. 2. The divers readings, with approbation of the best. 3. The discussing of doubtfull questions. 4. Collection of places of doctrine. 5. Confutation of errors. 6. Morall observations. VVith a large explication of the naturall properties of beasts, fowles, fishes, and creeping things, applied vnto manners out of the 11. chapter. Wherein more then a thousand theologicall questions are handled, and halfe as many speciall poynts of doctrine noted, and errours confuted. And wherein is collected and abridged whatsoever worthy of note ... the best writers ... haue written vpon this booke: by the same author of Hexapla, vpon the two former books of the Penteteuch, Genesis, and Exodus. Perused and finished by P.S. Dr. of Divinitie

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