Romes unholinesse discovered: Christs last will and testament recorded. Or a bill against the Pope and his adherents, [electronic resource] cardinals, Jesuits, monkes, and fryers, who strive to keepe from the common people the Holy Scriptures, and give out disgracefull speeches of the same. Declaring how the Pope is infallible, and cannot deceive, nor be deceived in matters of faith. Wherein 'tis fully proved that many of them have beene heretiques schmatiques, sorcerers, and addicted to filthy lucre, blasphemers, idolaters, preferrers of their owne inventions, before the Word of God, and their owne profit before the good and salvation of the poore ignorant people. An extraordinary indulgence granted by his unholinesse the Pope, to his private household. Printed according to order

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