1. Dell'Istoria della Compagnia di Giesv [i.e., Giesu] l'Inghilterra parte dell'Evropa / descritta del P. Daniello Bartoli Author: Bartoli, Daniello, 1608-1685 Format: Book Language: Italian Published: 1667
2. [R. P. Petri Writi sacerdotis Angli e Societ. Iesu mors, quam ob fidem passus est Londini XXIX. Maii M. DC. LI.] Author: Courtney, Edward S. J. -1677 Format: Book Language: Latin Published: 1651
3. The True test of the Jesuits, or, The spirit of that society, disloyal to God, their King, and neighbor [microform] Format: Book and Microform Language: English Published: 1688
4. The True test of the Jesuits, or, The spirit of that society, disloyal to God, their King, and neighbor [electronic resource] Format: Book Language: English Published: 1688
5. The copy of a letter addressed to the Father Rector at Brussels, found amongst some Iesuites taken at London, about the third yeere of His Majesties raigne. [electronic... Author: Maynard, John, Sir, 1592-1658 Format: Book Language: English Published: 1643
6. The copy of a letter addressed to the Father Rector at Brussels, found amongst some Iesuites taken at London, about the third yeere of His Majesties raigne. [microform]... Author: Maynard, John, Sir, 1592-1658 Format: Book and Microform Language: English Published: 1643
7. Seven Iesuites condemned. [electronic resource] : Shewing every particular thing in their examination, and confession, at the sessions House in the Old Bayly in a true and... Format: Book Language: English Published: 1641
8. A relation of the strange apparition of the five Jesuits lately executed at Tyburn upon the account of treason. [electronic resource] : Being a wonderful token of their... Format: Book Language: English Published: 1680]
9. A dialogue betvvixt a secular priest, and a lay gentleman. [microform] Concerning some points objected by the Iesuiticall faction against such secular priests, as haue... Author: Mush, John Format: Book and Microform Language: English Published: MDCI. [1601]
10. A dialogue betwixt a secular priest, and a lay gentleman. [electronic resource] : Concerning some points objected by the Iesuiticall faction against such secular priests,... Author: Mush, John Format: Book Language: English Published: MDCI. [1601]