Southwest Yilgarn, 2021 : geological exploration package / Geological Survey of Western Australia
- Bib ID:
- 10002474
- Format:
- Other
- Author:
- Geological Survey of Western Australia, cartographer
- Scale:
- Scales differ.$ (E 118°22'00"--E 119°37'00"/S 30°44'00"--S 32°00'00").
- Description:
- East Perth, W.A. : Geological Survey of Western Australia, 2021
- ©2021
- 1 USB flash drive : colour illustrations, colour maps, colour photographs ; 2 x 6 cm., in case 5 x 10 x 2 cm.
- 9781741689280
- Series:
- Geological Exploration Package
- Accelerated Geoscience Program
- Technical Details:
- System requirements: ESRI layer files and mxd 10.4, MapInfo 10, GeoMap.WA 1.9.14, QGIS 3.4, MS Access 2002-03 mdb, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Windows 7/8/10.
- Full contents:
- Data coverage 89x1:100 000 Geological Series map sheets: . BADGINGARRA (2037), BARBALIN (2536), BEACON (2437),BENCUBBIN (2436), BEVERLEY (2233), BORDEN (2529), BREMER (2729), BRIDGETOWN (2130), BROOKTON (2333), BRUCE ROCK (2534), BUNBURY (2031), BURNGUP (2631), CARNAMAH (2038), CARON (2138), CHERITONS FIND (2834), CHITTERING (2135), COCANARUP (2830), COLLIE (2131), CORRIGIN (2433), CROSSMAN (2232), CUNDERDIN (2334), DALWALLINU (2237), DANDARAGAN (2036), DARKAN (2231), DINNINUP (2230), DONNELLY (2029), DONNYBROOK (2030), DOWERIN (2335), DUMBLEYUNG (2431), DWELLINGUP (2132), FRANKLAND (2329), FREMANTLE (2033), GINGIN (2035), GOOMALLING (2235), HOLLAND (2833), HOLLETON (2734), HOOD POINT (2829), HURLSTONE (2732), HYDEN (2633), INDARRA (1940), IRONCAP (2832), JACUP (2730), JARRAHDALE (2133), JERRAMUNGUP (2630), KALANNIE (2337), KATANNING (2430), KELLERBERRIN (2434), KING (2831), KOJONUP (2330), KOORDA (2336), KUKERIN (2531), KULIN (2532), MANJIMUP (2129), MELLENBYE (2140), MERREDIN (2535), MINGENEW (1939), MONGERS (2238), MOOLYALL (2931), MOORA (2136), MOUNT GIBSON (2338), MULLEWA (2040), MUNGO (1941), MUNTADGIN (2634), NAREMBEEN (2533), NARROGIN (2332), NEWDEGATE (2731), NORTHAM (2334), NYABING (2530), O'CONNOR (2733), PALLINUP (2629), PEDERAH (2632), PERENJORI (2139), PERTH (2034), PINJARRA (2032), RAVENSTHORPE (2930), SOUTHERN CROSS (2735), TALLERING (2041), TAMBELLUP (2429), TONEBRIDGE (2229), TRAYNING (2435), WAGIN (2331), WALYAHMONING (2636), WATHEROO (2137), WESTONIA (2635), WONGAN (2236), WOOROLOO (2134), WURARGA (2141), YANDANOOKA (2039), YEALERING (2432).
- Notes:
- Title from case label.
- Subject:
- Time Coverage:
- 2021
- Other authors/contributors:
- Geological Survey of Western Australia, issuing body
- Also Titled:
- Geological exploration package : Southwest Yilgarn, 2021.
- Copyright:
In Copyright
You may copy under some circumstances, for example you may copy a portion for research or study. Order a copy through Copies Direct to the extent allowed under fair dealing. Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Until 2071 [Created/Published Date + 50 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Photograph
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2021
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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