Jiang Jieshi : shi bai de sheng li zhe / Yalishanda Panzuofu (Alexander V. Pantsov) zhu ; Liang Siwen (Steven I. Levine), Yang Shujuan yi = Victorious in defeat : the life and times of Chiang kai-shek, China, 1887-1975 / Alexander V. Pantsov
蔣介石 : 失敗的勝利者 / 亞歷山大·潘佐夫 (Alexander V. Pantsov) 著 ; 梁思文 (Steven I. Levine), 楊淑娟 譯 = Victorious in defeat : the life and times of Chiang kai-shek, China, 1887-1975 / Alexander V. Pantsov

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