2084 : peace, freedom, strength : one hundred years on from 1984 / Adrian Hanks
- Bib ID:
- 10003678
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Hanks, Adrian, author
- Online Access:
- National edeposit: Onsite at National Library of Australia
- Related Online Resources:
- Access Conditions:
- National edeposit: Available onsite at national, state and territory libraries
- Description:
- Burwood, Vic. : Intertype, 2021
- ©2021
- 1 online resource.
- File Characteristics:
- text file PDF 1.3MB
- 9780648871422
- Summary:
Inspired and adapted from the author's reading, study and love for George Orwell's 1984, we have Adrian Hank's 2084. Living in their new, utopian world, twins, Jacob and Miranda, research and find clues and information that lead them to discover links and connections to their family history over the past one hundred years. They revisit the fears and horrors of 1984 and learn more about the story of, and their connection to Winston and Julie (the main characters in Orwell's 1984). A unifying global event occurs in the year 2066 and out of it, The Renewed World Council is established, leading the world into a more harmonious and conscious way of life; leaving the old paradigm and control of Big Brother in the past.With words from George Orwell's 1984 novel embedded into this 2084 clever adaptation, the full spectrum and divide of control, fascism, freedom and peace are intricately mixed; offering a story that moves from despair and hopelessness to one full of new hope and possibility for a much brighter future.It was from reading just a few words in Part three, Chapter six of Orwell's 1984, that Adrian felt the first inspirational spark for the plot of 2084:... It was that her waist had grown thicker, and, in a surprising way, had stiffened. These few words (left sitting for almost 70 years for Adrian to read and decipher with his own poetic license) are the link and bridge that seamlessly unites the worlds and the people from 1984 and 2084.
- Subject:
- Genre/Form:
- Electronic books
- Also Titled:
- One hundred years on from 1984
- Two thousand and eighty four : peace freedom strength
- Copyright:
In Copyright
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Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2021
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.