The used men's bicycle club : and other stories from the end of the world / by PH Court
- Bib ID:
- 10006268
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Court, P.H, author
- Description:
- Eugene, OR : Stone Table Books, 2023
- ©2023
- 212 pages ; 21 cm
- 9781666779929 (hardcover)
- 9781666779912 (paperback)
- Invalid ISBN:
- 1666779911
- Summary:
"What happens when the world stops turning? As half the world is trapped in constant light and half the world remains in constant night, ordinary people must find ways to continue their simple yet extraordinary lives. From Zucchini growers in the Sierra Madre; to the barman aboard a diurnal cruise ship; from the witch beneath the Amazon bridge; to the divorced men who still cycle despite the crumbling world; the stories range across the world and explore the magic that remains amongst the everyday, even where there is no day."--Back cover.
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- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2023
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