Chuang xin + ping deng : ru he chuang zao yi ge geng xiang "Xing ji mi hang" er fei "Zhong jie zhe" de wei lai = Innovation + equality : how to create a future that is more Star Trek than Terminator / [Jia] Qiaoshuya Gansi, [Ao] Andelu Li zhu ; Shi Shuo, Zheng Xiu'er yi
创新+平等 : 如何创造一个更像"星际迷航"而非"终结者"的未来 = Innovation + equality : how to create a future that is more Star Trek than Terminator / [加]乔舒亚・甘斯, [澳]安德鲁・利著 ; 石烁, 郑秀儿译

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