Huo chu ni zi ji : zai bu que ding de shi jie yong bao bian hua = Your life, your way : acceptance and commitment therapy skills to help teens manage emotions and build resilience / [Ao] Yuesefu V. Xi'aruoqi (Joseph V. Ciarrochi), Luyisi L. Haisi (Louise L. Hayes) zhu ; Wang Haixia, Zhu Zhuohong yi
活出你自己 : 在不确定的世界拥抱变化 = Your life, your way : acceptance and commitment therapy skills to help teens manage emotions and build resilience / [澳]约瑟夫・V.西阿若奇(Joseph V. Ciarrochi), 路易丝・L.海斯(Louise L. Hayes)著 ; 王海霞, 祝卓宏译
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