Ruang untuk yang kecil dan berbeda : pemerintahan inklusif dan pelindungan minoritas / penyunting, Ahmad Zainul & Marzuki Wahid
- Bib ID:
- 10010772
- Format:
- Book
- Edition:
- Cetakan I.
- Description:
- Sorowajan, Yogyakarta : Gading, 2017
- xv, 367 pages : illustrations, maps ; 21 cm
- 9786020809380 ((paperback))
- 6020809382 ((paperback))
- Summary:
When good governance becomes an important issue in looking at post-New Order Indonesia, one of the criteria that must be considered is the certainty that the government system is run on the principles of openness, accountability, and non-discrimination. This book examines the capacity of several local, district and city governments in building inclusive governance. The four areas studied were Bondowoso Regency, East Java, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Bogor City, West Java, and Kuningan Regency, West Java. These four areas represent stories of success and failure in building inclusive governance, resolving social conflicts based on religion/belief, eliminating discrimination, and providing equal opportunities and services to all citizens.
- Full contents:
- Demokratisasi, inclusive government, dan perlindungan atas minoritas / Ahmad Zainul Hamdi & Marzuki Wahid
- Potret Pemerintah Kota Bogor, jeratan politik lokal dan upaya pembangunan pemerintah inklusif / Muhammad Subhi Azhari
- Potret Pemerintah Kabupaten kuningan, eksklusif tak kunjung henti, potret pemenuhan hak-hak warha ahmadiyah di Kuningan / Abdul Rosyidi, dkk.
- potret Pemerintah Kabupaten Bondowoso, praktik keberagaman inklusif di tengah pluralias keberagamaan, kasus peringatan Milad Fatimah di Bondowoso / Fawaizul Umam
- Potret Pemerintah Kabupaten Bima, mengobati "luka" Tambora, pengalaman pemerintah dalam membangun pemerintahan inklusif / Yusuf Tantowi
- Refleksi teoritis (teorisasi), populisme dan kekerasan etno-religius, menimbang ulang konsep godly nastionalism dalam isu perlindungan terhadap kelompok minoritas agama di Indonesia / Ahmad Zainul Hamdi
- Catatan reflektif, agama, otonomi daerah, dan pemerintahan inklusif, catatan reflektif atas hasil riset pada empat daerah / Marzuki Wahid.
- Notes:
- Includes bibliographical references.
- In Indonesian.
- Subject:
- Local government -- Indonesia
- Transparency in government -- Indonesia
- Government accountability -- Indonesia
- Minorities -- Government policy -- Indonesia
- Equality -- Indonesia
- Administration locale -- Indonésie
- Obligation de rendre compte (Administration publique) -- Indonésie
- Equality
- Government accountability
- Local government
- Minorities -- Government policy
- Politics and government
- Transparency in government
- Bima (Indonesia : Regency) -- Politics and government
- Bogor (Indonesia) -- Politics and government
- Bondowoso (Indonesia : Kabupaten) -- Politics and government
- Kuningan (Jawa Barat, Indonesia) -- Politics and government
- Indonesia
- Indonesia -- Bima (Regency)
- Indonesia -- Bogor
- Indonesia -- Kuningan (Jawa Barat)
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
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- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2017
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