A winding-sheet for the Anabaptists & Quakers; or The death and burial of their fanatick doctrines. [microform] Being a discovery of their dangerous designs, wicked practises, and malitious indeavours, to subvert all civil government, both in church and state. As also, the strong bulwark, and banners of loyalty; for all loyal subjects, against the fanatick gunpowder reformations, within these his gratious Majesties realms, and dominion. Likewise, a Christian summons to all persons whatsoever, to submit to the Church of England, and chearfully to comply with the rites and ceremonies of the vvorship of God, commended to, ... by our gratious soveraign Lord King Charles, whom God long preserve, being the Defender of the Faith. And the laws, orders, and statutes for the punishing all Anabaptists and sectaries that shall presume to meet, ... Ordered to be published throughout the several countyes in England and VVales
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