The Asia Pacific region in the global economy : a Canadian perspective / general editor, Richard G. Harris
- Bib ID:
- 1433140
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Calgary : University of Calgary Press, c1996
- xiv, 668 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- 1895176875
- Series:
- Industry Canada research series, 1188-0988.
- Full contents:
- Economic growth and social capital in Asia / John F. Helliwell
- Canada and the Asia Pacific region : views from the gravity, monopolistic competition, and Heckscher-Ohlin models / Walid Hejazi & Daniel Trefler
- Rivalry for Japanese investment in North America / Keith Head & John Ries
- Canada's natural resource exports to the Asia Pacific region / Robert N. McRae
- Canadian exports of business and education services to the Asia Pacific region / Lawrence L. Schembri
- Financial sector opportunities in the Asia Pacific region : the case for Canadian banks / John F. Chant
- International tourism in the Asia Pacific region and its implications for Canada / Richard G. Harris & Stephen T. Easton
- Asia Pacific immigration and the Canadian economy / Michael Baker & Dwayne Benjamin
- Trade, environment and growth in the Asia Pacific region : implications for Canada / Brian R. Copeland
- Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises : opportunities and challenges in the Asia Pacific region / Someshwar Rao & Ashfaq Ahmad
- Pacific triangles : U.S. economic relationships with Japan and China / Wendy Dobson
- Canadian trade and investment policies and the Asia Pacific region : confronting ambivalence? / Murray G. Smith
- Science and technology policies in Asia Pacific countries : challenges and opportunities for Canada / Richard G. Lipsey & Russel M. Wills
- Australian experience with exporting to Asia / Richard Pomfret
- The new trading system : global or regional? / Sylvia Ostry.
- Notes:
- Issued also in French under title: La region de l'Asie-Pacifique et l'economie mondiale.
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Subject:
- Canada -- Commerce -- Asia
- Asia -- Commerce -- Canada
- Canada -- Commerce -- Pacific Area
- Pacific Area -- Commerce -- Canada
- Canada -- Foreign economic relations -- Asia
- Asia -- Foreign economic relations -- Canada
- Canada -- Foreign economic relations -- Pacific Area
- Pacific Area -- Foreign economic relations -- Canada
- Other authors/contributors:
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- Publication date:
- 1996
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