Suicide and the right to die / edited by Jacques Pohier and Dietmar Mieth ; English language editor, Marcus Lefebure
- Bib ID:
- 144182
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, c1985
- xiii, 108 p. ; 22 cm.
- 0567300595 (paperback)
- Series:
- Concilium (Glen Rock, N.J.) ; v. 179.
- Full contents:
- New and old factors in suicide / Patrick Baudry
- The sociological approach to suicide, from Durkheim to the present day / Patrick Baudry
- The psychology of suicide / Heinz Henseler
- Respecting life and causing death in the medical context / Lisa Sowle Cahill
- Ethical arguments in favour of suicide / Annemarie Pieper
- Associations for the right to die in dignity / Paula Caucanas-Pisier
- The church's traditional moral teaching on suicide / Niceto Blazquez
- The funeral rights for a suicide and liturgical developments / David Power
- "Life no longer has any meaning for me" / Jean-Pierre Jossua
- A right to a freely chosen death? / Adrian Holderegger
- Have Christians the right to kill themselves? / Harry Kuitert.
- Notes:
- Some of these articles are translations from the French, German, and Spanish.
- Includes bibliographies.
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
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- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1985
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