R.C. Strangman collection of photographic views of Canberra, 1930-1960 [picture]
- Bib ID:
- 1586239
- Format:
- Picture
- Author:
- Strangman, R. C., 1895-1969
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item
- Description:
- 1930-1960
- approx. 5000 negatives : glass, b&w + 21 albums.
- 723 + 8424 negatives : acetate, b&w ; 10 x 12 cm. and smaller.
- 308 negatives : nitrate, b&w ; 5.5 x 5.5 cm.
- 52 negatives : acetate, b&w ; 42 x 17 cm.
- 28 photographs : b&w ; 12 x 15.8 cm. and smaller.
- Summary:
This collection consists of photographs including panoramas of Canberra buildings, parks and plantations, streets and houses, and Strangman family personal photographs. There is a small collection of views including Sydney, Brisbane, a visit to America, Adaminaby and Tumut, and 1000 unidentified portraits of individuals, family groups and children taken around Tumut ca. 1915.
- Biography/History:
Richard Strangman was a commercial photographer in Tumut 1915-1926 and Canberra from 1929.
- Notes:
- More than half of the glass negatives have been printed and sorted; the albums and a reference set of 3700 prints from the glass negatives are available for viewing (Location of copy prints: Hurley stack).
- Acetate negatives stored in cold store. Nitrate negatives stored in nitrate store. Construction photographs of Canberra 1950s-1960s are possibly related to the AV Jennings Collection and are as yet uncatalogued May 2010.
- Location of associated prints/other materials: PIC 5959 Drawer A78; PIC 6106 Hurley Stack 52/4/1; PIC 6107 Hurley Stack 52/4/1; PIC 6185 Q78, Q81, Hurley Stack 42/2/2.
- Also available online https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-140351725
- Has Sub-series:
- Has subcollection: Trip abroad Mar.-Dec. 1929
- Has subcollection: Around the world April 1923 to Jan. 1924
- Has subcollection: Personal photograph album, World War 1914-1918
- Has subcollection: H.R.H. the Prince of Wales visit to Sydney, June 1920
- Has subcollection: Canberra album
- Has subcollection: Queanbeyan, N.S.W.
- Has subcollection: Canberra album presented to Gregory Mathews
- Has subcollection: Canberra
- Has subcollection: Cotter River, Cotter River Dam and surrounding forests, bushland, mountains and tourist facilities, Australian Capital Territory
- Has subcollection: Parliament House, Parkes Place and National Rose Gardens, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Australian War Memorial and landscapes featuring the Memorial, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Canberra churches, schools and tertiary education insitutions
- Has subcollection: Royal Military College, Duntroon
- Has subcollection: Mock Tudor houses, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Canberra buildings
- Has subcollection: R.C. Strangman's motor car journeys in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Canberra
- Has subcollection: Buildings, Australian American Memorial and Robert Burns Statue, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Flowering trees, Canberra
- Has subcollection: The Lodge, Government House and United States Embassy, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Hotels and boarding houses, Canberra
- Has subcollection: Portraits by R.C. Strangman taken in Tumut, New South Wales
- Has subcollection: Government buildings, Canberra
- Index/Finding Aid Note:
- Partial list available (29 p.)
- Subject:
- Exhibited:
- Exhibited: "In a New Light: Australian Photography 1850s-1930s", National Library of Australia, 9 Oct. 03-26 Jan. 04.
- Related Records:
This is a collection.
This collection contains 109 records. - Copyright:
Copyright Uncertain
If you wish to copy or order copies, contact us.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Unable to determine date of publication or creation
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Photograph
- Published status:
- Unpublished
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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