A blanket a year / Leonard Broom and F. Lancaster Jones
- Bib ID:
- 1930443
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Broom, Leonard
- Description:
- Canberra : Australian National University Press, 1973
- 98 p. ; 23 cm.
- 0708100945
- Series:
- Aborigines in Australian society ; 10.
- Summary:
Part of Social Sciences Research Council project; three chapters (2, 3, 4) based on previous publications, reports; social position of Aborigines compared with that of non Aborigines & frequent citing of census statistics throughout; Ch.1; Repatriation (in terms of restoration to ones homeland & to citizenship); discusses issues involved in land rights, legal, political & social status; Ch.2; Educational status; problematic 1966 Census definition of Aborigines; gives statistics of; Non attendance (all States), school attainment (males & females separately, 15 years & older, all States), school attainment (comparison of Aboriginal & non Aboriginal students, all ages, males & females (Australia); discussion; suggestions for educational policy; Ch.3; Work force & occupational statuses; available workers, dependents including 1966 statistics, discussion; Males; levels of employment, occupational status, distribution by race, 1966 statistics, discussion; Females; occupational status, distribution, statistics & discussion; application of Index of Dissimilarity; occupational opportunity; Ch.4; Population, structure & future growth; discusses limitations of census data including changing definition of Aborigines, methods of data collection; gives estimates of distribution & size of Aboriginal population 1788 - 1966 (all States) commenting on decline till 1940s then steady growth; present size & distribution (1966 statistics, all States); urbanization (statistics, 1947, 1961, 1966, all States), discussion; inter State migration (1966 statistics), age composition (1966 statistics for males, females, all States), age at marriage, marital status, patterns of fertility, duration of marriage & fertility (all 1966 statistics, Australia), age specific fertility rates (1967, 1968, Northern Territory & estimates for all States); infant mortality (1958 - 1965, Northern Territory) & crude birth, death, natural increase rates (1965 1967, Northern Territory); discussion; Male & female survival rates used for projecting Aboriginal population (by State & age), methodology; future growth, including estimates to year 2001 (all States), age structure estimates for 1971, 1986, 2001; methodology, discussion; Ch.5; Towards a social policy; proposes use of social indicators, comments on inadequacies of administrative practices, difficulty of locating responsibilities; compares provisions made for migrants & Aborigines; segregated settlements; Aborigines as active participants in policy & administration; social indicators in relation to policy (health, housing, education, jobs), authors favour integration; stresses importance of accurate data, discusses kinds of information necessary as basis for adequate policy, tabulated list of minimal number of indicators; methods to include use of census statistics, field research.
- Notes:
- "Series sponsored by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia'.
- Bibliography: p. [95]-98.
- First Nations (AIATSIS) Subject:
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- Literary Dramatic Musical
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- Publication date:
- 1973
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