Whiteman on income tax
- Bib ID:
- 1971062
- Format:
- Book
- Edition:
- 3rd ed. / by Peter G. Whiteman ... [et al.].
- Description:
- London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988
- cxiii, 1434 p. ; 26 cm.
- 0421347104
- Series:
- British tax library.
- Notes:
- Cover title: Income tax.
- Rev. ed. of: Whiteman and Wheatcroft on income tax. 2nd ed. / by Peter G. Whiteman and David C. Milne. 1976.
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Kept up to date by supplements.
- Subject:
- Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain
- Other authors/contributors:
- Also Titled:
- Income tax
- Copyright:
In Copyright
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- Material type:
- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1988
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