- Bib ID:
- 2353029
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Boddaert, Pieter, 1730-1795
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item. GMMf 598.2 BOD copy
- Description:
- Utrecht, 1783
- xvi, 58, 9p. ; 36cm.
- Notes:
- National Library of Australia's GMMf 598.2 BOD copy is the only known copy; unbound with manuscript corrections in custom-made green marbled box quarterbound in leather; loaned by Gregory Mathews to the British Museum (Natural History) for copying in 1937.
- "Thus a Frenchman named Dubenton published a very large series of plates, 1008 to be exact, for birds from all parts of the world. These appeared after the middle of the eighteenth century and an index became necessary. This was prepared by a Dutchman called Boddaert who had only fifty copies printed as long ago as 1783. Only two copies were known to be preserved in two of the largest libraries in the world. Nosing one day in the dust laden shelves of a little bookshop in Paris I saw an old brown paper parcel. It was merely a curiosity or a seventh sense that made me, mid sneezing, undo that uninviting package to be rewarded by the sight of a perfect unbound copy of Boddaert's tract... to my amazement I found a beautiful printed index that I could not recall... Later when I compared by copy with the other two I found that I had been right and that neither of the others was furnished with a index so that my find was really unique". --GMM from unpublished Ms.
- GMMf 598.2 BOD copy also available online http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-546027537
- Other authors/contributors:
- Daubenton, M. (Louis-Jean-Marie), 1716-1799
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
You may copy or order a copy through Copies Direct or use the online copy for research or study;
for other uses Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Creator Date of Death is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1799
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1783
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