The reign of Elizabeth
- Bib ID:
- 2395238
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894, author
- Description:
- London : Dent, 19-?
- 5 volumes 18cm
- Series:
- Everyman's library
- Notes:
- Originally published as vols. 7-12 of the author's History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth.
- Subject:
- Copyright:
In Copyright
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Until 2069 [Created/Published Date + 70 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1894
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1999
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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