The abridgement of New Zealand case law / editor, H. Jenner Wily ; foreword by Sir Harold Eric Barrowclough
- Bib ID:
- 2428300
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Wellington [N.Z.] : Lexisnexis NZ, 1963-<2007>
- v. ; 26 cm.
- 9780408718905
- 9780408718277
- 0408718277
- 9780408718370
- 0408718374
- Partial contents:
- v. 1. Action to Bankrupcy
- v. 2. Bills of exchange to Constitutional law
- v. 3. Contempt of court to Courts
- v. 4. Criminal law to Custom and usage
- v. 5. Damages to Estate and gift duties
- v. 6. Estoppel to Family protection
- v. 7. Ferries to Income tax
- v. 8. Industrial law to Land tax
- v. 9. Landlord & tenant to Local government
- v. 10.Machinery to Mines, minerals and quarries
- v. 11. Malrepresentation to Nuisance
- v. 12. Parliament to Practice
- v. 13. Practice to Public works
- v. 14. Railways to Sale of land
- v. 15. Scaffolding and excavation to Trover and detinue
- v. 16. Trusts and trustees to Works and labour
- v. 17. Consolidated table of cases and index
- v. 18. Annotated cases, words and phrases.
- Notes:
- Updated by supplements, cumulative supplements and permanent supplements.
- "With volumes 1 to 18, and the eight Permanent Supplements, the user now has a complete digest of cases covering the years 1861 to 2005 inclusive"--Publisher's note to 8th Permanent supplement.
- Previously published by: Butterworths of New Zealand.
- Subject:
- Law reports, digests, etc -- New Zealand
- Other authors/contributors:
- Wily, H. Jenner (Herbert Jenner), 1901-
- Copyright:
Copyright Undetermined
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Cannot determine publication date because this record has an open range of dates
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 2001
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 9999
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