Catalogue persistent identifier
Lauer, Sue, 1953-. (1995). Pumice and ash : an account of the 1994 Rabaul volcanic erruptions / Sue Lauer. Lismore, N.S.W. : CPD Resources
Lauer, Sue, 1953-. Pumice and ash : an account of the 1994 Rabaul volcanic erruptions / Sue Lauer CPD Resources Lismore, N.S.W. 1995
Lauer, Sue, 1953-. 1995, Pumice and ash : an account of the 1994 Rabaul volcanic erruptions / Sue Lauer. CPD Resources Lismore, N.S.W.
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{{Citation | title=Pumice and ash : an account of the 1994 Rabaul volcanic erruptions / Sue Lauer | author1=Lauer, Sue, 1953- | year=1995 | publisher=CPD Resources | isbn=0646265113 | language=English | url= | access-date=15 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}