Concerning Latin American culture : papers read at Byrdcliffe, Woodstock, New York, August 1939 / and edited by Charles C. Griffin
- Bib ID:
- 2487814
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Griffin, Charles C. (Charles Carroll), 1902-
- Description:
- New York : Russell & Russell, [1967-c1940]
- xiv, 234 p. ; 232 cm.
- Full contents:
- Contents.
- Introduction by J. T. Shotwell.
- Cultural relations of the United States in the Western world, by R. M. Cherrington.
- The crossways of the Americans, by R. F. Pattee.
- Spain in the epoch of American colonization, by F. de los Rios.
- The action of Spain in America , by F. de los Risos.
- Some aspects of the social development of Portuguese America, by G. Freyre.
- The significance of native Indian culture in Hispanic America, by C. C. Griffin.
- Mexico,.
- Notes:
- A series of lectures with the cooperation of the National Committee of the United States of America on International Intellectua Cooperation for the Byrdcliffe Afternoons in August 1939.
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Unable to determine date of publication or creation
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- Material type:
- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 2002
- Published status:
- Unpublished
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