The peasantry in the old regime; conditions and protests
- Bib ID:
- 2530175
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Woloch, Isser, 1937-, compiler
- Description:
- New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1970]
- 112 p. illus. 24 cm.
- 0030798302
- Series:
- European problem studies
- Full contents:
- Peasant life: the struggle against nature and society: Life and death in the peasant village, by P. Goubert. Scarcity and insecurity in agrarian life, by R. Mandrou. A source of peasant strength; the village community, by M. Bloch. A regional case study of the seventeenth-century peasantry, by P. Goubert.
- Peasant protest; popular uprisings in the seventeenth century: Popular uprisings as class war; the revolt of the Nu-pieds, by B. Porchnev. Conjoncture and circumstance in popular uprisings, by R. Mousnier. Popular uprisings in the late seventeenth century, by L. Bernard. Porchnev, Mousnier, and the significance of popular uprisings, by R. Mandrou.
- The climax: the eighteenth century and the peasant revolution of 1789: The peasant problem in the eighteenth century, by C. B. A. Behrens. The crisis of 1775 and the traditions of popular protest, by G. Rude. The origins of the peasant revolution of 1789, by A. Davies. Lefebvre's interpretation of the peasant revolution, by R. R. Palmer. The rural community under stress; a sociological approach, by C. Tilly.
- Notes:
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Subject:
- Peasants -- France
- Other authors/contributors:
- Woloch, Isser, 1937-
- Copyright:
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- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1970
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