By the King. A proclamation for the better setling of his Maiesties manufacture of gold and siluer thread within this his realme. [microform]
- Bib ID:
- 2662502
- Format:
- Book and Microform
- Author:
- England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I)
- Uniform Title:
- Proclamations. 1619-10-10
- Description:
- [Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. M.DC.XIX. [1619]]
- [3] sheets ;
- Series:
- Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1686:48.
- Notes:
- Caption title.
- Dated at end: Roystone the tenth day of October, in the seuenteenth yeere of our reigne ..
- Imprint from colophon.
- reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
- Cited In:
- STC (2nd ed.) 8612.
- Steele, R. Tudor and Stuart proclamations, 1258.
- Reproduction:
- Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1985. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1686:48).
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- James, I, King of England, 1566-1625
- Also Titled:
- Proclamations. 1619-10-10.
- By the King. A proclamation for the better setling of his Majesties manufacture of gold and silver thread within this his realme.
- Available From:
- UMI 300 N Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103-1553
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Creator Date of Death is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1625
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1619
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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