Occult physick, or The three principles in nature anotomized by a philosophical operation, [microform] taken from experience, in three books. The first of beasts, trees, herbs, and their magical and physical vertues. The second book containeth the most excellent and rare medicines for all diseases happening to the bodies both of men and women, which never yet saw light; an incomparable piece. The third and last book, is a denarian tract, shewing how to cure all diseases with ten medicaments; and the mystery of the quarternary, and quinary number opened; with a table shewing the suns rising, setting, hours of the day, hours of the night, and how many minutes are contained in a planetary hour both day and night; ... Whereunto is added a necessary tract, shewing how to judge of a disease by the affliction of the moon, upon the sight of the patients urine, with an example; ... By W.W. philosophus; student in the coelistial sciences

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