Baptism anatomized: [microform] being propounded in five queries, viz. I. What water-baptism is? II. What is the end for which it was instituted? III. What giveth right to it? IV. Who are the true administrators of it? V. Whether it be lawful for a man to baptize himself? Wherein the right that the infants of believers have to water-baptism is vindicated: the duty of believing parents in that matter, asserted: and that by the contrary tenet and practise, they ought themselves to be excluded from the Lords-Supper, is plainly and fully proved. And wherein also is proved, that the covenant which God made with Abraham, Gen. 17. and with Israel Exod. ch. 19. and Deut. 29. are the Covenant of Grace in Christ, and not part of the covenant of works made with Adam before his fall. By Thomas Wall

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