The fables of Esope in Englishe [microform] with all his lyfe and fortune, howe he was subtyll, wyse, [and] borne in Grece not farre from Troy the greate, in a towne named Amones, he was of al other menne most diffourmed and euill shapen. For he haf a great head, [and] large visage, longe lawes, sharpe eye[s], a short necke, crokebacked, greatebelly. great legges, large feete. And yet that which was worse, he was dombe and could not speak. But notwithstandinge this he had a singuler witte, and was greatly ingenious and subtill in cauillacions, and pleasaunt in woordes, after he came to his speache. vvhereunto is added the Fables of Auyan. And also the Fables of Poge the Florentyne very pleasaunt to reade
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