Catalogue persistent identifier
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. (1712). An enquiry into the real interest of princes in the persons of their ambassadors [electronic resource] : and how far the petty quarrels of ambassadors, or the servants and dependents of ambassadors one among another, ought to be resented / by their principals. With an essay on what satisfaction it is necessary to give or take in such cases. London : printed, and sold by J. Baker
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. An enquiry into the real interest of princes in the persons of their ambassadors [electronic resource] : and how far the petty quarrels of ambassadors, or the servants and dependents of ambassadors one among another, ought to be resented / by their principals. With an essay on what satisfaction it is necessary to give or take in such cases printed, and sold by J. Baker London 1712
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. 1712, An enquiry into the real interest of princes in the persons of their ambassadors [electronic resource] : and how far the petty quarrels of ambassadors, or the servants and dependents of ambassadors one among another, ought to be resented / by their principals. With an essay on what satisfaction it is necessary to give or take in such cases. printed, and sold by J. Baker London
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{{Citation | title=An enquiry into the real interest of princes in the persons of their ambassadors [electronic resource] : and how far the petty quarrels of ambassadors, or the servants and dependents of ambassadors one among another, ought to be resented / by their principals. With an essay on what satisfaction it is necessary to give or take in such cases | author1=Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 | year=1712 | publisher=printed, and sold by J. Baker | language=English | url= | access-date=16 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}