A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife and five children [electronic resource] : during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck-River, in the year 1784. In which three of their children were starved to death. : Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from a journal, and published at their request. / By Arthur Bradman
- Bib ID:
- 3381028
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Bradman, Arthur
- Online Version:
- http://opac.newsbank.com/select/evans/25226
You can access this resource if you visit the National Library building
- Description:
- Norwich [Conn.]. : --Printed by John Trumbull,, 1793
- 16 p. ; 17 cm. (8vo)
- Series:
- Early American imprints. Series I, Evans (1639-1800); no. 25226.
- Notes:
- Microform version available in the Readex Early American Imprints series.
- Cited In:
- Evans 25226
- Trumbull, J.H. Connecticut (suppl.), 1939
- Reproduction:
- Electronic text and image data. [Chester, Vt. : Readex, a division of Newsbank, Inc., 2002-2004. Includes files in TIFF, GIF and PDF formats with inclusion of keyword searchable text. (Early American imprints. Series I, Evans (1639-1800); no. 25226). Mode of access : World Wide Web.
- Subject:
- Place:
- United States Connecticut Norwich.
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Created/Published Date is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1793
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1793
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife and five children [electronic resource] : During an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. : Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal, and compiled at their request. / By Arthur Bradman
- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife and five children [electronic resource] : during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. : Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal, and compiled at their request. / By Arthur Bradman
- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife, and five children [electronic resource] : during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness --from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. : Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal, and published at their request. / By Arthur Bradman
- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife, and five children [electronic resource] : During an unfortunate journey through the wilderness --from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. : Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal and compiled at their request. / By Arthur Bradman
- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife, and five children; [electronic resource] : during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. : (Taken partly from their own mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal; and published at their request.) / By Arthur Bradman