The book of knowledge: [electronic resource] : treating of the wisdom of the antients. : In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, & other celestial constellations, on the bodies of men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physic and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmistry, together with the signification of moles, and the interpretation of dreams, &c. IV. The farmer's calender [sic], containing, 1st, perpetual prognostications for weather. 2d. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3d. The complete and experienced farrier and cowleech, &c. / Written by Erra Pater, a Jew doctor in astronomy and physic, born in Bethany, near Mount Olive, in Judea. ; Made English by W. Lilly, student in physic and astrology. ; To which is added, the true form of all sorts of bills, bonds, counter-bonds, indentures, letters of attorney and licence, deeds of gift, bills of exchange, &c

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