The builder's jewel, or, The youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer [electronic resource] : Explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working. : I. The five orders of columns entire; or any part of an order, without regard to the module or diameter. And to enrich them with their rusticks, flutings, cablings, dentules, modilions, &c. Also to proportion their doors, windows, intercolumniations, porticoes, and arcades. Together with fourteen varieties of raking, circular, scrolled, compound, and contracted pediments; and the true formation and accadering of their raking and returned cornices; and mouldings for capping their dentules and modilions. : II. Block and cantiliver cornices, rustick quoins, cornices proportioned to rooms, angle brackets, mouldings for tabernacle frames, pannelling, and centering for groins, trussed partitions, girders, roofs, and domes. With a section of the dome of St. Paul's, London. : The whole illustrated by upwards of 200 examples, engraved on 100 copper plates. / By B. and T. Langley

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