Jao Tsung-i : the amalgamation of mind and universe / [author Jao Tsung-i, chief editor Tang Wai Hung] = Xin tong zao hua : yi ge xue zhe hua jia yan zhong de huan yu jing xiang / [Chuang zuo: Rao Zongyi ; ze ren zhu bian Deng Weixiong]
Jao Tsung-i : the amalgamation of mind and universe / [author Jao Tsung-i, chief editor Tang Wai Hung] = 心通造化 : 一個學者畫家眼中的環宇景象 / [創作: 饒宗頤 ; 責任主編 : 鄧偉雄]

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