Free thoughts on quacks and their medicines, occasioned by the death of Dr. Goldsmith and Mr. Scawen [electronic resource] : Or, A candid and ingenuous inquiry into the merits and dangers imputed to advertised remedies:---In which, an investigation of the nature and origin of their compositon has been attempted: and the degree of confidence they deserve, ascertained.---Wherein, also, have been occasionally interspersed some few animadversions tending to defend minerals in general, and exculpate mercury and antimony in particular, from the ill-judged and ill-grounded aspersions thrown against them; by proving the superiority of the productions of the mineral, over those of the vegetable, kingdoms. To which is added some remarks on the nature, cause and remedy of the scurvy and gout. Also a plan of the dispensary for the poor, instituted in 1773. By Francis Spilsbury, chymist. Dedicated to the legistature in general, or, both Houses of Parliament

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