The Gazetteer's [electronic resource] : Or Newsman's Interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the considerable cities, patriarchsips, bishopricks, universities, dukedoms, earldoms, and such like; imperial and hance-towns, ports, forts, castles, &c. In Europe. Shewing in what kingdoms, provinces and counties they are; to what Prince thery are now subject; upon, or night what rivers, bays, seas, mountains, &c. they stand; their distances (in English miles) from several other places of note; with their longitude and latitude, according to the best and approved maps: with the addition of a table of the births, marriages, &c. of all the kings, princes and potentates of Europe. Of special use for the true understanding of all modern histories of Europe, as well as the present affairs; and for the conveniency of cheapness and pocket-carriage, explained by abbreviations and figures. The eleventh edition, corrected, and very much englarged with the additions of all the towns in Great Britain, which send members of Parliament; and of the towns and other places that give titles to the nobility; with the counties they lie in, and their distances from London. By Lawrence Eachard, A.M. of Christ's College in Cambridge

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