The accomplish'd practiser in the High Court of Chancery, [electronic resource] : shewing the whole method of proceedings, according to the present practice, from the bill to the appeal inclusive: containing the original, power and jurisdiction of the Chancery, both as a court of law and equity; the office of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and the rest of the officers. Also the best forms and precedents of bills, answers, pleas, demurrers, writs, commissions, interrogatories, affidavits, petitions and orders; together with a list of the officers and their fees: likewise other matters useful for practisers. The fourth edition, assisted by the help of a manuscript by a late learned hand, with all the practice enlarged under every head, and an addition of precedents of all kinds; also the proceedings upon a commission of lunacy. By Joseph Harrison of Lincoln's Inn, Esq; In two volumes

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