The heathen's conversion, [electronic resource] : In seven parts. The life of Jehosaphat, the son of King Avernio, of Barma in India, shewing 1st. How King Avernio, cruelly prosecuted the Christians and how he pray'd to his idols to have a child. 2d. How his Queen porv'd when child, & his reward to the idol priests. 3d. How his Queen was deliver'd of a son so was named Jebosaphat. 4th. His contrivance to have him brought up in the Heathen way. 5th. Jebosaphat's conversion to the Christian faith by an old Hermit. 6th. King Avernio's hatred to his son. 7th. The conversion of King Avernio, who caused the Gospel to be preach'd throughout the whole land. By Naphtal turner, a blind man