Chewing over the west : occidental narratives in non-western readings / edited by Doris Jedamski
- Bib ID:
- 4937014
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, 2009
- xxxi, 406 p. ; 24 cm.
- 9042027835
- 9789042027831
- 9789042027848
- Series:
- Cross/cultures ; 119.
- Summary:
The orientation of academic institutions has in recent years been moving away from highly specialized area studies in the classical sense towards broader regional and comparative studies. Cultural studies points to the limitation of Western approaches to non-Western cultures -- a development not yet reflected in actual research and data collections. Bringing together scholars from all over the world with specialized knowledge in both Western and non-Western languages, literatures, and cultures, this collection of essays provides new insights into the agency of non-Western literatures in relation to the West - a term used with critical caution and, like other common binary dualisms, challenged here. Inter-cultural expertise, seldom applied in the combination of Asian, African, and 'oriental' perspectives, makes this compilation of essays an important contribution to the study of colonialism and postcoloniality. Topics covered include postcolonial Arabic writing; T.S. Eliot in contemporary Arabic poetry; Algerian (and Berber) literature; the English language and narratives in Kenyan art; characterization, dialogism, gender and Western infuence in modern Hindi fiction; Naya drama in India; modern Burmese theatre and literature under Western influence; Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front and the Vietnamese Novel Without a Name; Western Marxism and vernacular literature in colonial Indonesia; hybridity in Komedi Stambul; and Sherlock Holmes in/and the crime fiction of Siam and Indonesia.
- Full contents:
- Theme and Identity in Postcolonial Arabic Writing / Rasheed El-Elany
- Moving Pictures: Western Marxism and Vernacular Literature in Colonial Indonesia / Keith Foulcher
- Mother Tongues With a Western Accent: Indigenous Negotiations with the English Language and Narratives in Kenyan Art / Evan Mwangi
- The Development of Modern Burmese Theatre and Literature Under Western Influence / U Win Pe (Maung Swan Yi )
- Writing Against, Writing With: The Case of Algerian Literature / Amina Azza-Bekkat
- The Use of T.S. Eliot's Literary Traditions in Contemporary Arabic Poetry / Saddik M. Gohar
- War and Ideology : Erich Maria Remarque's 'All Quiet on the Western Front' and the Vietnamese 'Novel Without a Name' by Duong Thu Huong / Ursula Lies
- Under Indian Eyes: Characterization and Dialogism in Modern Hindi Fiction / Thomas de Bruijn
- In Search of a New Image: An Indian Madame Bovary? / Guzel V. Strelkova
- Chewing Over Ethnographic Models: Berber Writings from Algeria / Daniela Merolla
- The Naya drama in India: Rediscovering Itself in the Western Mirror / Anna Suvorova
- Hybridity in Komedi Stambul / Matthew Isaac Cohen
- "Elementary, My Dear Wat": Influence and Imitation in the Early Crime Fiction of 'Late-Victorian' Siam / Rachel Harrison
- The Vanishing Act of Sherlock Holmes and Indonesia's National Awakening / Doris Jedamski.
- Notes:
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- Also Titled:
- Occidental narratives in non-western readings
- Copyright:
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Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2010
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