The United Nations global compact : achievements, trends and challenges / edited by Andreas Rasche and Georg Kell
- Bib ID:
- 4980439
- Format:
- Book
- Description:
- Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010
- xxxi, 439 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- 9780521198417
- 0521198410
- 9780521145534
- 0521145538
- Full contents:
- Achievements, trends and challenges : reflections on the principles. Making sense of the United Nations Global Compact human rights principles / Klaus Leisinger, Aron Cramer and Faris Natour ; The promise of the United Nations Global Compact : a trade union perspective on the labour principles / Guy Ryder ; The United Nations Global Compact environmental principles : achievements, trends and challenges / Gregory C. Unruh ; 'Caring for climate' : the business leadership platform / Claude Fussler ; Anti-corruption : challenges and trends / Huguette Labelle
- Participants and engagement mechanisms. Implementing the United Nations Global Compact / Carolyn Y. Woo ; Academic institutions and the United Nations Global Compact : the principles for responsible management education / Regina Wentzel Wolfe and Patricia H. Werhane ; Corporate responsibility and the business school agenda / Birgit Kleymann and Pierre Tapie (with a comment by Eric Cornuel) ; NGOs and the United Nations Global Compact : the link between civil society and corporations / Oded Grajew ; Financial markets and the United Nations Global Compact : the principles for responsible investment / James Gifford ; Learning from the roundtables on the sustainable enterprise economy : the United Nations Global Compact and the next ten years / Malcolm McIntosh and Sandra Waddock ; The United Nations Global Compact as a learning approach / Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer
- Governance and communication on progress. The United Nations Global Compact's governance framework and integrity measures / Ursula Wynhoven and Matthias Stausberg ; The United Nations Global Compact communication on progress policy : origins, trends and challenges / Uzma Hamid and Oliver Johner ; COP reporting in action : the case of Petrobras / Ana Paula Grether Carvalho ; The United Nations Global Compact and the global reporting initiative / Paul Hohnen
- Local networks : the emerging global-local link. Building the United Nations Global Compact local network model : history and highlights / Nessa Whelan ; The United Nations Global Compact as network of networks / Dirk Ulrich Gilbert ; Running a Global Compact local network : insights from the experience in Germany / Constanze J. Helmchen ; Building corporate citizenship through the United Nations Global Compact : contributions and lessons learned from the Argentinean local network / Flavio Fuertes and Nicolás Liarte-Vejrup ; Concluding remarks : from alleviating the negative impacts of globalization to transforming markets / Ernst A. Brugger and Peter Maurer.
- Notes:
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 403-421) and index.
- Subject:
- United Nations
- Other authors/contributors:
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