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Levenstein, Phyllis & Family Service Association of Nassau County, Inc., Mineola, NY. (1969). Individual Variation among Preschoolers in a Cognitive Intervention Program in Low Income Families [microform] / Phyllis Levenstein. [Washington, D.C.] : Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse
Levenstein, Phyllis and Family Service Association of Nassau County, Inc., Mineola, NY. Individual Variation among Preschoolers in a Cognitive Intervention Program in Low Income Families [microform] / Phyllis Levenstein Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse [Washington, D.C.] 1969
Levenstein, Phyllis & Family Service Association of Nassau County, Inc., Mineola, NY. 1969, Individual Variation among Preschoolers in a Cognitive Intervention Program in Low Income Families [microform] / Phyllis Levenstein. Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse [Washington, D.C.]
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{{Citation | title=Individual Variation among Preschoolers in a Cognitive Intervention Program in Low Income Families [microform] / Phyllis Levenstein | author1=Levenstein, Phyllis | author2=Family Service Association of Nassau County, Inc., Mineola, NY | year=1969 | publisher=Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse | language=English | url= | access-date=14 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}