The Victorian pioneers index 1837-1888 [electronic resource] : [an index to birth, death and marriage records held by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Victoria]
- Bib ID:
- 550568
- Format:
- Book
- Edition:
- Rev. ed.
- Description:
- Melbourne : Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in association with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Victoria, 1994
- 1 laser optical disk : col. ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 booklet (32 p. ; 21 cm.)
- 0864443455
- Summary:
A database indexing all births, deaths and marriages recorded by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Victoria covering the period 1837 to 1888.
- Full contents:
- 1. Births
- 2. Deaths
- 3. Marriages.
- Notes:
- System requirements: IBM PC (preferably 286 or higher) or compatible; at least 640K total RAM (with 505K usable RAM), hard disk space minimum 850K; MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.1 or above, MS-DOS Extensions; KAware2 retrieval software; CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive, monochrome or colour monitor, printer (optional)
- Title from title screen.
- Accompanying booklet issued May 1994 entitled: The Victorian pioneers index 1837-1888. Getting started.
- File size: 1.74 million records.
- "... produced by INFORMIT ..."--Booklet, p. 5.
- Early parish church records from 1837 until civil registrations commenced in Dec. 1853 as well as civil registrations from 1853 to 1888.
- Also available in microfiche.
- "... User Manual which is included on the CD-ROM"--Booklet, p. 2.
- Ferguson, Jo. The Victorian pioneers index 1837-1888 : a guide to the history, contents and use of the Victorian pioneers index on microfiche. Melbourne : Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1992. 0730624692
- Each record can be searched by surname, given names, father, mother, event year, event place, denomination, parish.
- Subject:
- Victoria. Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages -- Public records -- Indexes -- Databases
- Church records and registers -- Victoria -- Indexes -- Databases
- Marriage records -- Victoria -- Indexes -- Databases
- Registers of births, etc -- Victoria -- Indexes -- Databases
- Victoria -- Registers -- Indexes -- Databases
- Victoria -- Genealogy -- Indexes -- Databases
- Other authors/contributors:
- Also Titled:
- Victorian pioneers index 1837-1888. Getting started
- Digger - Victorian pioneers index 1837-1888
- Copyright:
In Copyright
You may copy under some circumstances, for example you may copy a portion for research or study. Order a copy through Copies Direct to the extent allowed under fair dealing. Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Until 2064 [Created/Published Date + 70 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1994
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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