Karte von Tschili und Schantung = 直隶山东舆地图 / bearbeitet in der Kartogr. Abteilung der Kgl. Preuss. Landesaufnahme, 1907
- Bib ID:
- 6259952
- Format:
- Map
- Author:
- Prussia. Landesaufnahme. Kartographische Abteilung, cartographer
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item
- Related Online Resources:
- Map Index at National Library of Australia
- Scale:
- Scale 1:200,000 (E 112⁰00'--E 123⁰00'/N 42⁰15'--N 34⁰00').
- Description:
- [Prussia] : Kartogr. Abteilung der Kgl. Preuss. Landesaufnahme, 1907 (光绪三十三年)
- 63 maps : colour ; 37 x 44 cm or smaller. + 1 index map
- Full contents:
- Báu Di hsiën(宝坻县))
- Báu ding fu(保定府)
- Dĕ dschóu(德州)
- Dĕng dschóu fu(登州府)
- Dschang dĕ fu (彰德府)
- Dscháu dschóu(赵州)
- Dschĕng ding fu(正定府)
- Dschóu tsun(周村)
- Dschu tschĕng hsiën(诸城县)
- Dsi dschóu(冀州)
- Dsiën tschang ying(建昌营)
- Dsing hsing hsiën(井陉县)
- Dsü dschóu(邹州)
- Dsun 'hua dschóu(遵化州)
- Dung a hsiën(东阿县)
- Dung tschang fu(东昌府)
- Gáu mi hsiën(高密县)
- Gáu tang dschóu(高唐州)
- 'Hái dschóu(海州)
- 'Hái yang hsiën(海阳县)
- 'Ho dsiën fu(河间府)
- Hsüan 'hua fu(宣化府)
- 'Huái an hsiën(怀安县)
- I dschóu fu(峄州府)
- I hsiën(峄县)
- Kái fĕng fu(开封府)
- Kalgan (Dschang dsia kóu)(张家口)
- Lái dschóu fu(莱州府)
- Lái yang hsiën(莱阳县)
- Li ba áu([唐山])
- Li dsing hsien(利津县)
- Lin tsing dschóu(临清州)
- Lin tsü hsiën(临眗县)
- Ling schan wéi(灵山卫) .
- Peking(北京)
- Ping ding dschóu(平定州)
- Pu dschóu(濮州)
- Schan hsiën(单县)
- Schan'hái guan(山海关)
- Schĕn dschóu(深州)
- Schun dé fu(顺德府)
- Tang hsiën(唐县)
- Tiëntsin(天津)
- Tsáu dschóu fu(曹州府)
- Tschang ping dschóu(昌平州)
- Tschĭ tschĕng hsiën(赤城县)
- Tschifu([烟台])
- Tsi nan fu(济南府)
- Tsin wang dáu(秦王岛)
- Tsing dschóu fu(青州府)
- Tsingtau(青岛)
- Tsü fu hsiën(曲阜县)
- Wéi 'hái wéi(威海卫)
- Wéi 'hui fu(卫辉府)
- Wĕn dĕng hsiën(文登县)
- Wu ding fu(武定府)
- Wu tái hsiën(五台县)
- Yen dschóu fu(兖州府)
- Yen schan hsien(盐山县)
- Yi dschóu(易州)
- Yü dschóu(蔚州)
- Yung ping fu(永平府)
- Yung tsing hsiën(永淸县).
- Notes:
- Topographic map series of Shandong Province, southern Hebei Province and eastern Henan Province, China, showing boundaries, roads, railways, foot tracks and water features. Relief shown by shading on some sheets.
- "大德陆军参谋处测量部绘监印."
- Also available online http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-236095741
- In German and Chinese.
- Subject:
- Time Coverage:
- 1907
- Also Titled:
- Maps of Zhili and Shandong
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
You may copy or order a copy through Copies Direct or use the online copy for research or study; for other uses Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Since 1977 [Created/Published Date + 70 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Artistic
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1907
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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