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Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 & Hamel, Hendrik, active 1653-1669. (1885). Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion / with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated ; by William Elliot Griffis, author of "The Mikado's empire," "Corea, the hermit nation," "The Tōkiō guide," etc. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication
Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 and Hamel, Hendrik, active 1653-1669. Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion / with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated ; by William Elliot Griffis, author of "The Mikado's empire," "Corea, the hermit nation," "The Tōkiō guide," etc Presbyterian Board of Publication Philadelphia 1885
Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 & Hamel, Hendrik, active 1653-1669. 1885, Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion / with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated ; by William Elliot Griffis, author of "The Mikado's empire," "Corea, the hermit nation," "The Tōkiō guide," etc. Presbyterian Board of Publication Philadelphia
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{{Citation | title=Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion / with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated ; by William Elliot Griffis, author of "The Mikado's empire," "Corea, the hermit nation," "The Tōkiō guide," etc | author1=Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 | author2=Hamel, Hendrik, active 1653-1669 | year=1885 | publisher=Presbyterian Board of Publication | language=English | url= | access-date=16 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}