Alligator Rivers Region Environmental Fact Finding Study / drn R.S. Williams ; Department of the Northern Territory, Water Resources Branch
- Bib ID:
- 6894674
- Format:
- Map
- Author:
- Williams, R. S, cartographer
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item
- Description:
- [Darwin, Northern Territory] : Water Resources Branch, Department of the Northern Territory, 1973
- 3 maps ; each 93 x 69 cm, sheets 101 x 77 or smaller + 11 graphs (29 x 40 and 42 x 30 cm)
- Full contents:
- Alligator Rivers Region Environmental Fact Finding Study : location of gauging stations. Drawing no. 3-19/1
- Alligator Rivers Region Environmental Fact Finding Study : water bore locations. Drawing no. 3-19/2
- Alligator Rivers Region Environmental Fact Finding Study : location of surface water sampling points. Drawing no. 3-19/3.
- Accompanied by 11 graphs: Fig. 1. Actual rating curve South Alligator-El Sherana G.S. 820045 (Full rating)
- Fig. 2. Preliminary rating curve Deaf Adder Creek-Coljon G.S. 820046 (Full rating)
- Fig. 3. Preliminary rating curve Jim Jim Creek G.S. 820111 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 4. Preliminary rating curve Jim Jim Creek above falls G.S. 820257 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 5. Preliminary rating curve Coopers Creek-Nimbuwah G.S. 821001 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 6. Actual rating curve Magela Creek-Bowerbird G.S. 821008 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 7. Preliminary rating curve Magela Creek D/S Jabira G.S. 821009 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 8. Preliminary rating curve Upper East Alligator River G.S. 821010 )Full rating)
- Fig. 9. Preliminary rating curve Tin Can Creek D/S Myra Falls G.S. 821011 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 10. Preliminary rating curve Boggy Creek-George Town Road Xing G.S. 821012 (Partial rating only)
- Fig. 34. Probable maimum discharge curve versus catchment area.
- Notes:
- Maps of the West, East and South Alligator Rivers region, Northern Territory showing gauging stations, recession gauges, sampling points, water bore locations, percussion drill hole locations, areas of probale mining activity, and National Park boundaries.
- Dyeline print.
- Also available online
- Related Title:
- complemented by (work) Alligator Rivers region environmental study : water resources
- Subject:
- Hydrology -- Northern Territory -- West Alligator River Region -- Maps
- Hydrology -- Northern Territory -- East Alligator River Region -- Maps
- Hydrology -- Northern Territory -- South Alligator River Region -- Maps
- Water -- Northern Territory -- WestAlligator River Region -- Maps
- Water -- Northern Territory -- East Alligator River Region -- Maps
- Water -- Northern Territory -- South Alligator River Region -- Maps
- West Alligator River Region (N.T.) -- Maps
- East Alligator River Region (N.T.) -- Maps
- South Alligator River Region (N.T.) -- Maps
- Time Coverage:
- 1973
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
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- Material type:
- Artistic
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1973
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