Le pauvre diable
- Bib ID:
- 739104
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Voltaire, 1694-1778
- Description:
- A Paris : [s.n.], 1758 [i.e. 1760]
- 32 pages ; 19 cm. (8vo)
- Notes:
- Corrected imprint date from BN.
- Signatures: A-Bp8s.
- "La vanite": pages [21]-26; "Requete de Jerome Carre": pages [27]-32.
- LC copy imperfect: pages 31-32 wanting.
- With: Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre. [Rose et Colas. Libretto] Rose et Colas ... A Paris : Par la compagnie des libraires, 1769 -- Sedaine. La gageure imprevue ... A Paris : Chez les libraires qui vendent les nouveautes, 1792 -- Philidor, F. D. [Sorcier. Libretto] Le sorcier ... A Paris : Chez la veuve Duchesne, libraire ..., 1773 -- Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de. Le legs ... Nouvelle edition. A Paris : Chez Didot l'aine ..., 1774 -- Vendangeurs. Libretto. Les vendangeurs, ou, Les deux baillis ... A Paris : Chez Vente ..., 1781 -- Maria, Domenico della. [Opera comique. Libretto] L'opera comique ... A Toulouse : Chez Brouilhiet, imprimeur-libraire, an septieme [i.e. 1798 or 1799] -- La Ville de Mirmont, M. Le folliculaire ... 2. ed. Paris : Ladvocat, 1820 -- Ponsard, Francois. La bourse ... 2. ed. Paris : Michel Levy freres, 1856. Bound together subsequent to publication.
- Cited In:
- BN CCXIV, column 1030
- Place:
- France Paris.
- Other authors/contributors:
- Also Titled:
- Pauvre diable, ouvrage en vers aises de feu Mr. Vade, mis en lumiere par Catherine Vade sa cousine
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Creator Date of Death is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary Dramatic Musical
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1778
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1760
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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