The virgins tragedy: or the faithful maiden, and the faithless young man. [electronic resource] : Being a true relation how a young man living in Westminster, fell in love with a maid which had two hundred pounds to her portion, several promises past betwixt them, and their love continued for the space of two years, at the end whereof, he appounted a day for marriage, but the day being come, he most disloyally cast her off and forsook her; whose unkindness struck so deep to the maidens heart, that she fell into swouning and distracted fits, and so miserable languisht for a fortnights time, & then dyed. Desiring on her death-bed in the presence of several neighbours, that her parents and relations would cause her unfortunate tragedy to be put into print, which is here done to fulfil the will of the dead: by her brother. Tune is Ginny Gin or, Fare one let me in