The Christen state of matrymonye [electronic resource] : wherein housebandes and wyues maye lerne to kepe house together wyth loue. The original of holy wedlok: wha[n], wher, how, [and] of whom it was instituted [and] ordeined: what it is: how it ought to proceade: what be the occasio[n]s, frute and commodities therof. Contrarye wyse: how shameful [and] horrible a thi[n]g whoredom and aduoutry is: how one ought also to chose him a mete [and] conuenient spouse to kepe and increase the mutual loue, trueth and dewty of wedloke: and how maryed folkes should bringe vp theyr children in the feare of God. Set forthe by Myles Couerdale

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