John Holwell's strange and wonderful prophesies [electronic resource] : foretelling what shall happen in Europe in the years 1697, 98, 99, and 1700. (v0z.) In 97. Foretelling the Poles beating the Tartars: the Turks obtaining victories over the Emperor: with several other things of note. In 98. Foretelling many divisions and commotions in Italy, tending to the subversion of the tripple-crown: vast fleets of ships at sea, and bloody sea fights. The power of France reduc'd to a low ebb by the victorious arms of England. In 99. Foretelling a full discovery of the treacherous contrivances of several courts of Europe. Likewise Holland is warned to take care of herself. bloody sea-fights this year; and a whole army, in the eastern parts of the world, destroyed by fire from heaven. 1700. Now will be the downfall of Rome: after which follows general peace over the whole earth, &c