A short descripton of Sion's inhabitants from the days of Abel the righteous [electronic resource] : as also of the inhabitants of the bloody city and harlot-church, from the days of Cain the murderer. Set forth by me Israel Morland, of Sutton-Valence in Kent this first year of our noble King William and Queen Mary, who by the grace of God, came into England, as a nursing father, and a nursing mother to the people of God, by chasing their enemies before them; which strengthneth the hope of God's people that the time of his proise is at hand for the return of his peoples captivity out of bondage, and for the avenging the blood of the saints and faithful martyrs upon their adversaries which dwell yet upon the earth; ... and by the appearance of things it may be thought that the number of the years of the beast is almost fulfilled and that the time of his downfal is at hand; and that the harlot which is as drunken with the blood of the saints, shall have her cup filled double, as is God's promise, Rev. 17:6

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