A tryall of faith [electronic resource] : wherein is discovered the ground of the faith of the hypocrite, which was perisheth, and the faith of the saints, which is founded upon the everlasting rock: so all may see what their faith is, and what they trust to. Written to the intent, that every one may come to the true searcher of faith, that their faith which they speak of and trust to, may be searched, and the heart of the Pharisee ript open and searched: and that the poor ignorant blind creaturs may come to see and be deceived no longer in trusting in that which perisheth: verily it is of much concernment to every one, even the soul; the tryal of your faith. Written from the spirit of the Lord, and published for the good of all, that they may come to build upon the everlasting rock, with him, whose name according to the world is, James Parnell