Mr. Partridhe's [sic] famous prophesies and predictions [electronic resource] : together with the observations of sundry other great and learned astrologers, touching the wonderful things that are expected to happen in the year, 1690. in great Britain, France, and Ireland, and other kingdoms, states, and countries in matters of peace, negotiation, war, casualties, contingencies, and other transactions more particularly the happiness promised this nation, and the danger that threatens the French King, and his dominions; also the popish army in Ireland: also the union of Protestants, reciting likewise a strange & wonderful vision on the subject of these affairs lately happening, foretelling the quieting Scotland, reducing Ireland, and the conquest of France, and by what means it was proposed to be confirmed as a truth, and what has since come to pass in order thereunto: the happy reign of our glorious monarch, and his triumph over his enemies. Licensed according to order